January 29, 2014

layers for the ladies' dessert

Last Thursday I was able to meet up with a few lovely ladies at Papa Haydn's for dessert. 

It was so refreshing to get chat and laugh with other moms who know what I am going through. At the end of the evening I thanked them for inviting me and declared with a smile "It was so nice to have some time away from the kids so we could all get together and talk about our kids!" They laughed, and agreed.

It was also an excuse to dress up, just a little. Here's what I wore:

dress: Gap (thrifted)
belt: old, no idea
jean shirt: H&M
jacket: Levi Co (hand-me-down from mom)
vest: J. Crew (bought on super-duper sale)
boots: Etienne Aigner (thrifted)

I had in mind to take a bunch of awesome pictures while I was kid-less and in Sellwood, but I became way too busy conversing and eating. Here is the only (terrible) picture I took of what I ate which, sadly, was not Boccone Dolce because they marred it with bananas, but, happily, was every bit as delicious: Creme Brulee.

Do you get dressed up when you go out with your girlfriends?

Thanks so much for reading!

PS stop by around dinner time for a simple and delicious throw-together dinner recipe

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