October 06, 2016

lately :: kids, Bend, and babies

Oh my, it feels good to be back.
I have missed blogging SO much! Even if I am the only one who ever reads this silly little inconsistent blog, it's worth it because I enjoy the process and I love looking back over this digital scrapbook. I hope one day my kids can look back on it and remember their childhoods, as spotty as the documentation may be.
There is so much to catch up on over the last few months, so I won't even try. But here is what is happening now:

This little bug is going to be TWO in two days. So crazy. He is so much fun- pretty easy going, especially with how he is hauled around all week dropping off sister and brother, and running errands with me. He loves dancing, building with duplos, and reading books while sitting in my lap. Every day he is saying words that we had no idea he knew. Judah continues to be a struggle at night, bless his little tush, but he worth it all, of course.

Elle continues to be sassy and ridiculously adorable. 
She started preschool this year (only two mornings each week) and she is right in her element. She adores her teachers, and the feeling seems to be mutual. This girl is all the things I wish I had been since I was born- confident, opinionated, knows herself and what she wants. 

James has started kindergarten! Which just blows my mind. We are still getting adjusted to the schedule of waking up early and having him gone all day, but I know it is so good for him and I. He is so sweet with his younger siblings (most of the time) and I try to soak up time with him on the weekends (which are thankfully Friday through Sunday in James school district!). 

We spent the last weekend in Bend. The younger kids went to Yaya's and Grandma's houses and James came over with us, but spent most of the time at our friend's house.

On Saturday we took him out to coffee and for a walk up Pilot Butte.

In other news, we are expecting baby number four. But more on that later...

PS three years ago


  1. Love it Ashley! Your family is so sweet! I will be documenting my family just the same when we start one!

    1. Thank you Anne Marie! I look forward to reading that! ... and it is never too early to document! I would love to read a blog about your adventures :-)
