December 10, 2013

ten on ten: december

It's so easy, especially as a mama of a young one, to let the days blur together and get bogged down in the mundane: the diaper changes and feedings and oh no! the pacifier fell on the floor again. It has been a challenge for me to find beauty even in these moments of life, to recognize that God has engineered each day and is there in the midst of it all, and to thank him for it.

Have you read One Thousand Gifts? This book really spoke to me: the concept of eucharisteo, of letting every breath be one of praise and thanksgiving, that this might be the posture from which we live our lives. Not easy to do but so worth the effort, if we can only find a way!

My friend Rebekah who blogs at A Bit of Sunshine has a very lovely exercise accomplishing just this that has kind of blown up on the internet, which I have been meaning to join in with for about a year but kept remembering at the wrong time. Her challenge is to take a photo an hour, for ten hours, on the tenth of each month to capture the beauty in the every day (what we here at FC2C call ordinary joys). Read more about Ten on Ten here. 

I finally remembered, and had such a fun day capturing the beauty all around me! Here is my set from today:

Would you ever join in? I would love to see your photos!

xo Katie


  1. I love this idea! I'm going to try to remember next month.. but things may be a little crazy around that time... It would certainly be fun to capture the whole year this way :)

    1. I know, Rebekah is a genius! I had so much fun with it. I hope you can play next month! -katie
