March 20, 2015

happy friday

I entitle this picture: "Even cowboys have to go to timeout."

That's all.

Have a fabulous weekend, and try to stay out of trouble!


March 16, 2015

judah is five months + big stuff

 My baby boy is five months.

(Okay, he turned five months a week ago, and I took these photos in the middle of last week. Nevertheless...)

About two weeks ago, two teeth showed up in his little mouth. He took it like a champ.

He is also rolling from his back to his tummy and grabbing his adorable chubby feet.

In other breaking news, this blue-eyed, yogurt-faced, strange-hat-wearing gal is sleeping in a big girl bed...

... and this little tiny baby of mine who is well over fifty pounds is sleeping in big boy underwear:

I told you, big stuff.

I'll probably be announcing their college choices next post, they are apparently maturing so quickly.

One year ago: burbin' it up

March 13, 2015

impromptu beach trip

Last Friday Lane came home and asked if we had any plans for the next day. When I said no, he shrugged, smiled, and asked "Impromptu family beach trip?"

Um, yes please!

So Saturday midday, we set off to Manzanita.

Although the wind was intense, it was a gorgeous day with clear blue skies.

After getting coffee, we went down to the beach and the boys ran around while Ellle and I dug in the sand.

See! I was there:

We realized that Judah's defense mechanism for dealing with the wind is just to fall asleeep. He did so (despite the 2.5 hour car ride) right after this picture was taken, and then again in the Ergo while we walked down the beach.

James frolicked, as usual...

Eleanor's favorite activity was grabbing fist-fulls of sand, and throwing it toward the water. Two-year-old's confuse me.

We ended the evening with dinner in Cannon beach. It was while waiting forty five minutes for our food (during which we played lots of eye-spy, made friends with our neighbors in the next booth, and colored... also, Elle spilled a glass of ice water into my lap, just to make sure I was alert) that we remembered why we don't eat out much. 

It was still a wonderful adventure.

PS a year ago today: A different adventure.

March 01, 2015

march 2015 meal plan

It's that time again. Time for me to get all-OCD and make a meal plan. For the month. For three meals a day. And a daily snack.

I'm sure it's totally normal... you do this, right?


Well, then, use mine!

As usual, if you have any questions about recipes, etc, ask away!

If you need me to send you the file so you can adjust the menu to fit your needs (or if you just can't read the tiny writing) email me at

Happy Eating!

If you are into self-deprivation, here are all of Katie's Whole 30 recipes
Here is the archive of all our recipes on this blog.
Here is a tour of where the magic happens.
And here is the archive of all the monthly meal plans.